
Words from outgoing parks commissioner

To the editor:

My last day as a parks commissioner was Dec. 30th. It’s been 10 years as a parks commissioner and for the most part it was very rewarding.

I did not resign. Mayor Dickey chose not to reappoint me. She advised one of the reasons was my letter to the editor opposing the new K-8 school levy. I was told being a parks commissioner that it was not appropriate. People who know me understand I am passionate about our city, schools and parks.

I felt I had a right to give my opinion and it also included all the facts for people to make an informed decision. This should have had nothing to do with my position as a parks commissioner.

I would like to thank former Mayor John Berlin for giving me the opportunity of being the first woman parks commissioner, even though, I’m a registered Democrat. He knew I am a hard worker and would put forth every effort and time to making the City of Salem Parks special even though it’s a voluntary position without pay.

I would also like to thank the Commissioner’s, John Panezott (even though we didn’t always see eye-to-eye) Lori Colian, former parks commissioner Terry Hoopes, and former parks directors Shane Franks and Jacob Logan. Salem has an outstanding parks department that includes the parks foreman, maintenance department, secretary and recreation supervisor.

I am very proud of all the changes and additions to all the parks while I was a commissioner.

I am disappointed I was not able to vote for the new parks director even though I chaired the interview process for all of the candidates except possibly two people. It will be interesting to see who will be chosen as the next park director.

Lastly, I want to thank all my friends, family, news reporters and citizens of our beautiful city for the support I was given as a commissioner.

Lucille Zamarelli Karnofel,


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