
Vote to support Columbiana County Parks

To the editor:

The Greenway Trail is an asset for Columbiana County as it provides a great outdoor venue for hiking, jogging and bicycling.

It draws thousands of visitors (and their dollars) each year, boosting the local economy.

But the trail is in danger and it needs our help. Parts of the trail are more than 20 years old and are deteriorating. Tree roots are pushing up in the trail in parts, and adjacent culverts need cleaning.

On November 5, the Columbiana County Park District will seek voter approval of a 0.10 mill levy that would cost the owner of a home valued at $100,000 approximately $3.50 per year. I would urge all county residents to vote for this levy.

Thirty cents a month is a small price to pay to help the Park District maintain and improve the Greenway Trail and its two main parks — Scenic Vista and Hellbender Bluff.

I urge everyone to vote for this levy.

Peter Wilson,

Mayor of Lisbon

Starting at $2.99/week.

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