January is a critical month for Red Cross
If the weather has been a hindrance to your daily (or weekly) routine, think about what it has meant to organizations dependent upon the help of others to fulfill their missions.
For the American Red Cross, January can be a difficult month. Weather is factor, yes, but so is the active cold and flu season, which may make it harder for some to keep blood donation appointments or be eligible to donate.
“The start of the new year is one of the most challenging times to collect blood products as the threat of severe winter weather builds and can often lead to widespread blood drive cancellations,” the Red Cross said in a news release.
As part of its effort to combat the reduction in blood donations this time of year, January is National Blood Donor Month, and provides an opportunity for the Red Cross to team up with the National Football League to give those who donate by Jan. 26 an automatic entry for a chance to win a Super Bowl LIX trip and giveaway.
Local opportunities are always available including today in Columbiana. Here are some dates for this coming week:
Today: Columbiana Allen Masonic Lodge #276,
772 Meadow Lane, Columbiana
2-5 p.m.
Wednesday: South Range Elementary School,
1130 Columbiana-Canfield Road, Canfield
8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Thursday: Leetonia High School,
450 Walnut St., Leetonia
8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Thursday: Das Dutch Village Inn,
150 SR 14, Columbiana
1-6 p.m.
Canfield, Berlin Center and Salem, Lisbon, East Liverpool, Chester, East Liverpool and Toronto will be locations for other upcoming blood drives after next week. Just go to redcross.org and follow prompts for specific blood drive locations and dates.
Red Cross officials note those with Type O negative blood and those giving platelets are especially needed right now.
The Super Bowl is nice. But there are more important reasons to give. Choose your blood drive, bundle up and head out to roll up your sleeves knowing you are helping someone — and maybe even saving a life.
Also, besides donating blood, the Red Cross accepts monetary donations — especially critical right now with the horrendous fires in California.