Leetonia published authors

Members of Christy Temple’s first-grade class were one of two that published their own book recently at Leetonia Elementary School. From left, top row, Aeris Gorby, Evany Beaver, Rhett Warner, Nikolai Fowler, Aimee Black; top middle row, Olivia Talbott, Ashton Brahimi, Alexa Peddicord, Vayda Little; bottom middle row, Lizzie Leake, Lacey Slagle; and bottom row, Jacob McKee, Konnor Hazel, Daniel Percy, and Deacon Szelazek. (Submitted photo)
LEETONIA — Two classes of first graders at Leetonia Elementary School now can call themselves published authors.
For the seventh year in a row, the first grade classes of Christine Hames and Christy Temple have published their own books alongside their classmates and teachers.
Hames’ class published a book called “Fascinating Animals.” Temple’s class published a book called “We (Love) Animals.” Both books were published by Studentreasures Publishing Company.
Hames explained that each student researched information on an animal of their choice, wrote information about their animal and illustrated a page about their animal.
The exercise concluded with author celebration parties and the publication of each book, which could be purchased from the company.
This is the first year that not all parents elected to purchase books; however, they still have 30 days to do so, Hames explained.
Students cheered on their classmates and encouraged them as they read their part of the book. Publishing a book is a great accomplishment for anyone but especially first graders, the district concluded.