
Salem Utilities Commission reorganizes for 2025

SALEM–The Utilities Commission completed its annual re-organizational proceedings in its meeting Thursday.

The commission’s re-organizational proceedings saw no changes Thursday, and Commission Chairman Bob Hodgson, and Vice Chairman Kyle Cranmer were both unanimously re-appointed for 2025 with both being nominated by Commissioner Randall Malmsberry.

Commissioners also discussed the East Cold Run rip-rap repair project which Water Plant Manager Larry Sebrell said had been temporarily stalled by the recent winter weather conditions. Sebrell said that it had initially been planned to stage a pad for cement trucks and start tree and brush removal and the spillway Monday, but work had to be delayed due to the inclement weather.

Hodgson asked if a timeline had been set for the final decision of whether to install a service road on the department’s property in lieu of the ongoing negotiations for an easement with adjacent property owners whom Utilities Superintendent Butch Donnalley has previously described as “dragging their feet” throughout the process.

“I am to the point where I am pretty well done with talking to people about easements, and we just proceed with the road and get working on it,” said Hodgson.

Donnalley said that Assistant Superintendent Chad Hess was investigating the possibility of utilizing an existing easement on Camp Road which “runs down along the toe of the west dam,” which was first identified by Sebrell and Water Treatment Plant Chief Operator Rob Hasson. Donnalley and Hess said they had already visited the Columbiana County Recorder’s Office to attempt to locate the easement, and planned another trip.

Hodgson said that he still wanted to set a final decision date as it would take time to build the road if it was necessary.

“I really would like to set a drop date where we make a decision what we’re gonna do to get to this property because if this weather breaks and we’re going to put a road in through the north end its going to take a little bit of time to get it done to get to the west dam,” said Hodgson. “My suggestion is by the end of January we have a pick of what we’re gonna do A, B, C, and we run with it … and if we build the road, we also build a gate.”

As the meeting concluded Hodgson also commended and thanked the department’s employees for their dedication and hard work.

“I’ve been sitting here a long time, and I am just amazed by the quality of people we have working for the department, and Butch, Chad, that goes for you on down to every single employee,” said Hodgson. “We’re running a good ship now and thank you to all of you and your folks who work for you. You have no clue how much easier it makes this position for the three of us and thank you to every one of you, you guys do a great job, and we would be remiss not to say anything.”

The utilities commission will meet next 3 p.m. Feb. 20

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