
Remaining townships seek ban on solar, wind farms

LISBON — The remaining three townships in Columbiana County who had not sought a ban of large solar facilities and large wind farms in their unincorporated areas submitted resolutions recently requesting the ban.

Those townships include St. Clair, Liverpool and Yellow Creek. No date has been set for a public hearing on the proposed bans yet.

Commissioners are expected to accept the resolutions at their meeting Aug. 23 and then set the date for the public hearing. That’s also the day they may vote on the proposed ban for Elkrun, Hanover, Knox and Madison townships after hosting a public hearing on the matter last week.

During Wednesday’s meeting, Commissioner Tim Weigle reported that he met with Yellow Creek Township trustees Tuesday night and talked with them regarding the issue.

The deadline for anyone wanting to submit written comments regarding the proposed ban of large solar facilities and large wind farms in Elkrun, Hanover, Knox and Madison townships remains 4 p.m. Friday.

Comments should be sent to the Columbiana County Commissioners, 105 S. Market St., Lisbon, Ohio 44432.

Bans have already been approved for the unincorporated areas of Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Wayne, Washington, Fairfield, Franklin, Perry and West townships.

If the four latest petitions get approved, that will mean 15 out of the county’s 18 townships have bans to prevent the construction of large wind and solar operations. Add Yellow Creek, Liverpool and St. Clair townships and all 18 will be included in the ban to prevent the construction of large solar facilities and large wind farms.

During last week’s public hearing, Weigle reminded those present that 50 megawatt solar farms are still permitted under the ban, so there can still be smaller solar farms.

The Kensington Solar project, located in Franklin Township, won’t be affected by the ban in Franklin Township because the vote came after the project plans were already submitted. The project remains pending before the Ohio Power Siting Board.

In other business, the commissioners gave permission to board president Commissioner Roy Paparodis to sign the annual space study, service agreement with Maximus.

The next commissioners’ meeting will be 9 a.m. Aug. 16 in the downtown courthouse.

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