
Men’s Rally in the Valley set for Oct. 9

YOUNGSTOWN — The Men’s Rally in the Valley will be held Saturday, Oct. 9 at the Covelli Center in downtown Youngstown.

Doors will open at 7 a.m. The free event will feature an afternoon concert with Sidewalk Prophets. This year’s speakers will be Pastor Bob Pavlich, Joel Penton, Markus McFolling, Vance Johnson, and Tim Ginter, putting forth a challenge to “Be United in Christ.”

Resource tables will be available: Men of Faith / Rally Shirts, The Be United In Christ Outreach Ministry, Pastor Bob Pavlich, Ohio Valley Teen Challenge, March for Jesus, Stahl Cross, Blessed In Ohio, Advanced Podiatry, Jonathan White, Bair Foundation, Braver Angels, Links Inc, Alpha&Omega Ministries, Christian Farmers Outreach, Shipley Insurance, Timothy J. Behe, Good Shephard Community Church, Kidzrock Uganda Ministries, Horses for Heroes / DLR Mustang Ranch, Pointman Ministries, Broken Chains, Peacemakers Outreach, Celebrate Recovery, My Faith Works, Take Another Look, Julius Pet Supply, Master’s Art Work, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Life With Christ, The 4th Musketeer, Life Changers Outreach, IndyCar Ministry, India Ministries, Family Care Ministries, Alive.org, Tim Ginter, Veterans Administration, Marcus McFolling, Vance Johnson, Stand in the Gap Ministries, Pregnancy Help Center, Men of Grace, Right to Life of Mahoning County, Brosius’ Purity Solutions, CS Lewis Institute, Church Mutual, and Sidewalk Prophets.

For more information visit www.mensrally.org.

— Submitted material

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