
Columbiana cops plan their own spring cleaning

COLUMBIANA — If you’re driving in and around Columbiana make sure you are obeying all traffic laws, because the police department is doing a spring cleaning.

Police Chief Tim Gladis said the department is trying to be responsive to the community after several people told city officers they wanted careless drivers to be addressed.

As a result, the department is launching a selective enforcement initiative to “clean up” blatant violations through ticketing those found to be in violation. Gladis calls the initiative “Spring Cleaning.”

Gladis informed the public of the new initiative on the department’s Facebook page as well, and said that officers will be detailed to high-complaint areas to enforce traffic laws in an effort to reduce speeds and to be a highly visible deterrent to those who take safety too lightly.

“With the coming of spring and better weather, more pedestrians are out. People are walking their dogs and venturing outside with kids and grand kids. School will be out soon. Bad driving is something that we just can’t take a chance on,” Gladis wrote on the page.

He also said that police will focus on traffic lights at the Y intersections on North Main Street and at the state Route 14 intersections, and will also focus on yield issues at the traffic circle.

The department will also assign officers to neighborhoods where residents have reported speeding and unsafe driving, and will also work to keep people from driving too fast in Firestone Park. Those found to be speeding will be cited.

Gladis said the “Spring Cleaning” enforcement will begin soon, although he did not specify when.

“No one likes to get a traffic citation and we take no special pleasure in issuing them … violators should clean up their driving habits sooner rather than later,” Gladis said.


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