

Common Pleas

New Cases

Allyn Golden, Depot Road, Lisbon, vs. Valerie Golden, High Street, Washingtontonville; divorce sought.

Cavalry SPV I, LLC, Columbus, vs. Brooke Logan, state Route 45, Lisbon; collection sought of alleged $2,634 debt.

Discover Bank, Independence, vs. Robert Sheehan, McCormick Run Road, Lisbon; collection sought of alleged $7,594 debt.

Discover Bank, Independence, vs. William McLaughlin, Riverview Street, East Liverpool; collection sought of alleged $8,058 debt.

Litisha Sneddon, Fairfield School Road, Leetonia, and James Sneddon, Austintown; dissolution sought.

Docket Entries

Daniel Savors, et al. vs. Savannah Jones; case settled and dismissed.

ABL Wholesale Distributors Inc. vs. Omar’s Beverage Inc., et al.; $20,740 judgment granted to plaintiff.

First Financial Bank vs. Richard Bailey; $40,199 judgment granted to plaintiff, plus $4,622 interest, with payments to be made.

County Treasurer vs. Cheryl Boso, et al.; delinquent property tax foreclosure ordered for Cadmus Street, East Liverpool property.

Court News

LISBON — A Lisbon man accused of possessing multiple images of child pornography in 2023 was recently sentenced in Columbiana County Common Pleas Court to consecutive terms for a total prison sentence of 23 and a half years.

Jon Carl Nelder, 43, Saltwell Road, entered guilty pleas last fall to 18 counts of pandering obscenity involving a minor or impaired person, a fourth-degree felony, and a single count of tampering with evidence, a third-degree felony.

He was originally indicted for 50 pandering counts, with 32 counts dismissed as part of the plea agreement.

He was sentenced to 15 months for each of the 18 pandering counts and 12 months for the tampering with evidence count, with the terms to be served consecutively, for a total of 282 months in prison or 23 years six months.

He was also tagged a Tier II sex offender required to register his address with the sheriff’s office once he gets out of prison.

Nelder was accused of hiding a cell phone under the couch while the Mahoning Valley Human Trafficking Task Force was executing a search warrant regarding possession of child pornography at his residence on Dec. 7, 2023. The cell phone contained images of child pornography.

Also in Common Pleas Court:

— Dakota McCluskey, 32, state Route 644, Kensington, was sentenced to a minimum of six years in prison for three counts of second-degree felony burglary and one misdemeanor criminal trespass for a series of break-ins on July 6 in Perry Township. He entered a West Pidgeon Road home and when police were looking for him, he entered an attached garage at a Hearthside Drive home. The residents were home at the time. While searching for him, police then heard shouting on West Pidgeon Road and saw him being escorted off of a property by two males where he entered a blocked off back yard.

— Kayla Mennell, 28, Grant Street, Rogers, was sentenced to nine months in prison for fourth-degree felony assault, fifth-degree felony harassment by an inmate and misdemeanors of disorderly conduct and misconduct at an emergency, with credit for two days served in jail. According to a police affidavit, Mennell was accused of acting belligerent and ignoring instructions to cease her behavior while East Liverpool police officers were attempting to assist an unconscious male lying in the road on St. Clair Avenue on Jan. 20, 2024. Mennell was intoxicated and resisted when detained, attempting to break out the cruiser window and then spitting saliva into the face of an officer. While at the police station, she allegedly began attempting to harm herself by banging her head on the wall and kicking an officer trying to stop her.

— Anton Schafer, 40, Chester, W.Va., was sentenced to eight months in prison, with credit for 107 days served in jail, for theft and three counts breaking and entering, all fifth-degree felonies, and misdemeanor criminal damaging or endangering. Schafer was accused of breaking into Vernon Dell Tractor Sales, where he was employed on Dec. 1, Dec. 5 and Dec. 8, all in 2022, and stealing $1,709 over those eight days.

— Michael Stacy, 35, 19th Street, Wellsville, was sentenced to nine months in prison after pleading guilty to three counts of nonsupport of dependents, a fifth-degree felony, for failing to pay child support for three children from July 4, 2021 to July 2, 2023.

— Mark Kireta, 56, Chester Avenue, Wellsville, was sentenced to 12 months in prison for a lesser-included offense of third-degree felony burglary, originally a second-degree felony, with credit for 15 days served in jail. A charge of misdemeanor theft was dismissed. Kireta was accused of breaking into a home on Chester Avenue, Wellsville and stealing $40 and a Power Ranger action figure on March 17, 2024.

— Cody Lawson, 28, Cherry Valley Drive, Leetonia, was sentenced to nine months in prison for fourth-degree felony domestic violence for striking a woman in the ribs and mouth and ripping her hair during a domestic on March 9, 2024 in Perry Township. He received credit for four days served in jail.

— Jason Ramsey, 23, Walnut Ridge Road, Salineville, was sentenced to nine months in prison for fourth-degree felony receiving stolen property, with credit for 79 days served in jail. A misdemeanor obstructing official business charge was dismissed. Ramsey was accused of being in a stolen vehicle, a 2005 Toyota Camry, on Oct. 24, 2024 in Salem, with the key in his pocket, using the vehicle without permission and then running from the vehicle when police arrived.

— Charges against Brock Ward, 41, last known address Oakland Avenue, East Liverpool, were dismissed after he was found still not competent and unable to be restored by the time period permitted by law for the most serious crime against him, assault. A psychiatric evaluation found that he meets the criteria for civil commitment and continued in-patient psychiatric hospitalization at Heartland Behavioral Health as the least restrictive environment and consistent with community safety. Ward had been previously found not competent in July and ordered into inpatient psychiatric hospitalization at Heartland Behavioral Health, which is where he is now. He was charged with two counts fourth-degree felony assault and one count fifth-degree felony harassment by an inmate for an incident in East Liverpool on Feb. 7, 2024 when he allegedly spit saliva in the face of a police officer and kicked another officer in the leg.

Grand Jury

LISBON — An East Liverpool man was served Tuesday with a secret indictment issued by the Columbiana County Grand Jury for four counts of rape, a first-degree felony.

Brett L. Thompson, 19, Dairy Lane, will be arraigned on the charges at 1 p.m. Jan. 30 in Common Pleas Court, with Assistant Attorney General William Walton handling the prosecution due to a conflict for the county prosecutor’s office. The case was assigned to Common Pleas Court Judge Megan Bickerton.

According to the indictment, Thompson allegedly compelled a woman to submit by force or threat of force to sexual conduct from Oct. 1, 2023 to Oct. 2, 2023, with each count representing a different form of sexual conduct.

Also served with secret indictments recently were:

— Melanie Leonard, 35, Starkey Lane, East Liverpool, second-degree felony endangering children and two counts of third-degree felony endangering children for allegedly abusing an infant, resulting in serious physical harm to the child on Feb. 24, 2024 when the child was less than 2 months old.

— Robert W. Rogers, 74, Bacon Avenue, East Palestine, 17 counts of pandering obscenity involving a minor or impaired person, a fourth-degree felony, for allegedly possessing images of alleged child pornography on June 18, 2024.

— Ashley Roth, 30, York, Pa., fifth-degree felony telecommunications fraud and misdemeanor theft for allegedly stealing $826 from Doyle’s Meats in East Palestine from July 26, 2023 to July 31, 2023.

— Treyven Johnson, 24, Orchard Street, East Liverpool, fifth-degree felonies of two counts possession of cocaine and misdemeanor possession of drugs for allegedly possessing cocaine and buprenorphine on Nov. 9, 2023 and possessing cocaine on Feb. 10, 2024.


LISBON — Brian Murphy, 47, Center Street, East Liverpool, was fined $150 for expired license and traffic control devices recently in Columbiana County Municipal Court.

Gavin Brown, 22, McGovern Road, Salineville, was fined $130 for driving under suspension and driving while texting.

Shawn Setting Jr., 29, Youngstown, was fined $250 for driving under suspension.

George Moore, 53, Cannons Mill Road, East Liverpool, was fined $200 for no license and invalid plate.

Tonya Bebout, 48, Wells Avenue, Wellsville, was fined $100 for expired registration, with a charge of driving under suspension dismissed.

Leonard Mercer, 65, East Main Street, Salineville, was fined $250 for driving under suspension and no valid license.

David Penezich III, 25, Newgarden Road, Salem, was fined $300 for two counts of speeding.

James Duncan, 22, Salem Grange Road, Salem, was fined $50 for an equipment violation amended from assured clear distance.

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