
The Courts

Common Pleas

New Cases

Joseph A. Boyle, East Liverpool, vs. Matthew R. Thrift, Siler City, N.C., et al., excess of $25,000 sought for injuries and damages from a vehicle allegedly driven by Thrift backing into Boyle walking through the Walmart parking lot in Calcutta on Nov. 26, 2019.

National Collegiate Student Loan Trust vs. Carly L. Hughes, East Liverpool, et al., $20,588 plus interest sought.

Curtis E. Jackson, Lisbon, and Kira R. Jackson, East Liverpool, divorce sought.

Docket Entries

State of Ohio vs. Reagan Marie Duck, $1,206 in drug-related proceeds forfeited.

Brian Chrystal, Salem, vs. Stephanie Chrystal, Salem, divorce granted.

Court News

LISBON — Brandon Scot Moore, 26, Depot Road, Salem, was sentenced at least to six years and up to nine years in prison for rape, a first-degree felony, for compelling a child to have sexual relations with him on Jan. 1. The child and her father attended the hearing. Moore will be required to register as a Tier III sex offender, which includes registering his address every 90 days for life. He was credited with 213 days served. A second count of rape was dismissed.

Steven C. Stokes, 49, Columbia Street, Salem, pleaded guilty to aggravated trafficking in drugs, a third-degree felony, and lesser offense to the second-degree felony charge he had been facing. He requested immediate sentencing and was sentenced to two years in prison consecutive to any sentence he receives in another case in Portage County.

Kevin Lee Byers Jr, 30, Calcutta-Smithferry Road, East Liverpool, was placed on three years community control for domestic violence for harming Toni Marie Boyle, his girlfriend, who he punched and choked on Feb. 11.

Mark I. Zimmerman, 42, West Grant Street, East Palestine, stipulated to violating the terms of his intervention treatment plan, but was allowed to continue on his intervention treatment plan until Aug. 20, 2023. Zimmerman was placed on that plan after pleading guilty to a fifth-degree felony aggravated possession of drugs.

Amy Lynn Weyand, 47, Depot Street, Rogers, was found eligible for intervention in lieu of conviction, pleaded guilty to aggravated possession of drugs for methamphetamines and was placed on a three-year treatment plan.

Daniel J. Common II, 21, Quaker Church Road, East Rochester, pleaded guilty to trespass in a habitation, a fourth-degree felony. He faces up to 18 months in prison and a $5,000 fine. Sentencing is set for March 4. Common entered the Walker Road, Minerva, home of James and Joyce Falconer, where he was found sleeping in a recliner chair on May 1.


LISBON – In county Municipal Court, Adam Micheal Saunders, 34, Mercer, Pa., was bound over to the grand jury on charges of compelling prostitution and possession criminal tools for allegedly attempting to hire an adult woman and a 14-year-old child for sexual conduct on Sept. 24, bringing $400, suspected marijuana, a bong and his phone which he reportedly used to make the arrangement.

Monique R. Jimperson, 28, South Main Street, Columbiana, was fined $1,625, had her license suspended for a year, credited with three days in jail, sentenced to an additional seven days in jail, required to attend a three-day counseling program and ordered 40 hours community service for OVI first offense, driving under suspension, use of an unauthorized plate, failure to control and endangering children for allegedly drinking a pint of vodka and having a 5-year-old child in the vehicle when she crashed into a house and the creek on Sept. 25.

Aaron W. Brydges, 32, Reedsville, W.Va., was fined $900, credited with four days in jail and required 20 hours community service for engaging in prostitution, obstructing official business and criminal tools. An improper handling of a firearm in a motor vehicle charge was dismissed. Brydges responded to an advertisement for a prostitute placed by agents with the Mahoning Valley Human Trafficking Task Force, texting the person, traveling to the designated meeting location and having a Glock 9-millimeter handgun in the vehicle in the center console with a loaded magazine in the door. Brydges deleted the texting application from his device before police could secure it.

A Jan. 6 pretrial was set for Paul Louis Smith, 37, Youngstown, charged with engaging in prostitution and possession of criminal tools for allegedly using his cell phone requesting sex from a prostitute in exchange for $120, bringing requested Dr. Pepper, nachos and salsa from Circle K to the designated meeting location where he was met by officers with the MVHTTF.

A Jan. 31 pretrial was set for Conrad W. Wolfgang Jr., 57, Erie Street, East Liverpool, charged with engaging in prostitution and possession of criminal tools for allegedly meeting an agent with the MVHTTF on Nov. 12 in Columbiana, offering $70 for sexual services from a prostitute and utilizing his phone to arrange the illegal act.

A Jan. 27 pretrial was set for Gary Alfred Taylor Jr., 53, McDonald, charged with engaging in prostitution and possessing criminal tools for allegedly soliciting sex from an undercover agent with the MVHTTF for $60 and then driving to the arranged meeting cite on Nov. 5.

A Jan. 25 pretrial was set for Brian Keith Williams Jr., 27, Youngstown, charged with engaging in prostitution and possessing criminal tools for allegedly driving to Columbiana on Nov. 12 to meet an undercover agent with the MVHTTF, who Williams reportedly planned to pay $100 for “good sex.”

A Jan. 31 pretrial was set for Mark A. Rice, 60, Stewart Road, Salem, charged with engaging in prostitution and possession of criminal tools for allegedly attempting to purchase sex from someone he believed to be a woman, who was an agent with the MVHTTF.

Jason Hani Yacoub, 33, Youngstown, was fined $500 for two counts of disorderly conduct amended from engaging in prostitution and criminal tools for allegedly arranging sex acts for money on July 23.

A Jan. 13 pretrial was set for Dustin R. Sadler, 48, Summit Street, Salem, charged with OVI first offense, failure to control, a seat belt violation and endangering children for allegedly having a 17-year-old in the vehicle when he crashed while allegedly intoxicated on Saturday.

A Jan. 31 pretrial was set for Marcus Zane Reed, 19, Nittany Drive, Summitville, charged with OVI second offense, driving under OVI suspension and failure to control.

A Jan. 13 pretrial was set for Robert G. Wallace, 68, Youngstown, cited with OVI first offense and failure to control.

A Feb. 1 pretrial was set for Derek D. Ball, 32, East Sixth Street, Salem, cited with OVI first offense and a stop sign violation.

A Jan. 18 pretrial was set for Steven W. Pavuk, 49, Poland, cited with OVI first offense, OVI refusal first offense and a turn signal violation.

A Dec. 2 pretrial was set for Shane J. Linden, 42, Crestview Road, Leetonia, charged with domestic violence for allegedly assaulting his nephew on Oct. 3 by punching him, pulling his hair and choking him.

A Jan. 13 pretrial was set for Edward W. Carlo, 21, Litchfield, cited with possession of drugs for allegedly having liquid hashish.

A Jan. 25 pretrial was set for Romen K. Bashline, 31, Richardson Avenue, Negley, charged with obstructing official business for allegedly suddenly leaving on Nov. 22 when deputies told him to wait so they could speak to him.

Philip M. Kelley, 34, North Lincoln Avenue, Salem, was fined $550 for reckless operation, speeding and three counts of no license.

Charity M. Todd, 21, Salem Unity Road, Salem, was fined $400, credited with a day in jail and required 30 hours community service for violating a temporary protection order and criminal damaging. Todd went to the home of Kristen Schafer in late September and broke into an apartment on Brookdale Avenue on Oct 1 to pour bleach all over someone’s bed and belongings.

Dayzha Nique Nicole Peterson, 24, Massillon, was fined $300 for possession of marijuana paraphernalia and possession of marijuana.

Kevin Arrel Miller, 37, Rochester Road, Homeworth, was fined $250 and required 20 hours community service for physical control.

Raul A. Bautista, 28, Grant Street, Lisbon, was fined $150 for disorderly conduct amended from obstructing official business for refusing to answer the questions of deputies who arrived at his home on Aug. 21, where someone had reported he was assaulting a woman and breaking windows.

A Jan. 18 pretrial was set for Brandon Lee Speece, 28, state Route 14, East Palestine, cited with driving under OVI suspension.

James M. Metzler, 25, East Fifth Street, Salem, was fined $150 for driving under suspension.

A Jan. 24 pretrial was set for Sarah A. Graham, 18, Pinewood Drive, New Waterford, cited with obstructing justice for allegedly telling deputies the person they had a warrant for, Dustin Andrews, was not there, and then warning him she had given deputies his phone number.

Heather Lynn Hawkins, 33, state Route 164, Leetonia, was fined $100 for an equipment violation amended from failure to yield.

EL Muni

EAST LIVERPOOL — In East Liverpool Municipal Court, Joshua L. Rudder, of Francis Drive in Wellsville, was sentenced to $50 plus costs on a charge of illegal plates.

Sean C. Watkins, of Woodlawn Street, waived an extradition hearing to go to the state of Pennsylvania, where he is sought on a charge of larceny.

Donald J. Roth, of Aten Avenue in Wellsville, was sentenced to $30 plus costs on a seat belt violation.

Patricia A. McCoy, of Valley Drive, was set Jan. 26 for a status hearing and Feb. 2 for a jury trial on a theft charge.

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