
Salem council reorganizes for 2025

City Administrative Secretary Debbie Bricker was re-appointed as Clerk of Council during the city council’s annual re-organizational meeting Monday. Bricker, left, was administered her oath of office by Mayor Cyndi Baronzzi Dickey. (Photo by Morgan Ahart)

SALEM — City council held its annual re-organizational proceedings Tuesday.

The annual re-organizational meeting saw the status quo reinforced, as councilmen Evan Newman and Andrew Null were unanimously re-appointed to their current positions of Council Clerk Pro-Tempore and Council President Pro-Tempore, respectively, and City Administrative Secretary Debbie Bricker re-appointed as Clerk of Council. By virtue of his re-appointment as President Pro-Tempore Null will also continue to serve as the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole.

Following his re-appointment Null announced that the city council’s standing committees will also remain unaltered from their 2024 rosters in the new year.

As such Null will continue to serve as Chairman of the Finance Committee, joined by Councilmembers Jake Gano and Jayne Bricker and Alternate Member Councilman Jeff Stockman; Councilman Ron Zellers will be Chairman of the Public Services Committee joined by Councilwoman Sara Baer and Newman with Bricker serving as alternate; Newman will be Chairman of the Residential Committee joined by Bricker and Zellers with Null serving as alternate; Baer will be Chairwoman of the Downtown Committee joined by Gano and Stockman with Zellers serving alternate; Stockman will be Chairman of the Rules and Ordinance Committee joined by Null and Baer with Newman serving as alternate; Bricker will be Chairwoman of the Safety Committee joined by Zellers and Stockman with Gano serving as alternate; and Gano will be Chairman of the Economic Development Committee joined by Null and Newman with Baer serving as alternate.

Other appointments included Sam Sicilia being named to the Income Tax Review Board by Mayor Cyndi Baronzzi Dickey and unanimously approved by city council.

City council will meet next at 7 p.m. Jan. 21.

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