Health District shares 2024 numbers
LISBON — Amanda Amato, health services administrator for the Columbiana County Health District, is reminding residents of the availability of vaccines for the flu, RSV and COVID.
During the health district board meeting Wednesday night, she reported an increase in influenza hospitalizations, with 17 so far in January after only five cases in December. Last year at this time in January, she said the number was 11.
“I think respiratory season is in full swing,” she said.
To inquire about vaccines or make an appointment to receive one, call the health district in Lisbon at 330-424-0272.
Columbiana County Health Commissioner Dr. Wes Vins shared some numbers from 2024 in a report on agency highlights, which included a restructuring of the administrative and nursing divisions and the addition of lung cancer screenings to the cancer clinic.
There were 552 water samples taken from East Palestine properties in the priority zone, 12 subject matter presentations related to East Palestine, 184 car seats installed, 1,000 vaccines administered, 2,642 death certificates issued and 19 home births.
“That’s a big number for us in Columbiana County,” Vins said regarding the home births, which were mostly attributed to cultural reasons. Only two or three weren’t planned as home births.
Vins also introduced 2024 new staff hires: vital statistics registrar Sonya Langdon, deputy registrar and administrative clerk Mallori Horn, Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Don Schrader, and environmental health specialist in training Emma Gray.
Environmental Director Laura Fauss talked briefly about the success of a recent sewer contractor training and the wrap-up of food service inspections ahead of the new licensing year in March.
She reported that the program for expanded sampling in the East Palestine area remains pending due to paperwork related to quality assurance and checklists, noting she’s waiting to hear from the Environmental Protection Agency.
Vins commented that the health district isn’t required to do training for sewage contractors but does do it since the contractors have to complete training. There’s no cost to the contractors and he said it’s important for public health.
The board also certified the 2025 carryover and certified and appropriated $180,400 for a grant.
The next meeting date is 4:30 p.m. Feb. 19 at the health district building on state Route 45, Lisbon.