
Duko elected Leetonia BOE president, Merritt is VP

LEETONIA — During the reorganizational meeting Tuesday night, village school board members elected Larry Duko as board president and Jennifer Merritt as vice president.

Regular school board meetings will continue to be at 6 p.m. the fourth Wednesday of the month — except in November when the board will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 25.

The board also placed $10,000 in its service fee and hired John Podgurskias as school attorney for the 2025-26 calendar year before adjourning to proceed to its regular meeting.

In action there, members approved:

— Donations exceeding $5,000.

— The resignation of Marie Deffenbaugh as junior high school cheerleading adviser effective Dec. 18.

— The following supplemental contracts for Christie Felger, junior high cheerleading adviser; Jaren Snyder, junior high track coach; Scott Andre, head softball coach; Matt Altomare, head weight room adviser for 2024-25; James Scragg and Thomas Palmer as baseball coaches. For 2025-26, Altomare will serve as head football coach, while Scott Boyd will be head golf coach and Dawn Tittle the high school cheerleader adviser.

— The College Credit Plus Memorandum of Understanding with Kent State University.

— Paying $110 per sporting event to the Village of Leetonia Police for every event worked.

Members also met in executive session for personnel, compensation of a public official, with no action taken.


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