
County Briefing

Columbiana vacant council seat

City officials still are looking for applicants to fill a vacant council seat. Last week, Columbiana Mayor Rick Noel announced that John Yenges resigned his council seat with one year remaining in his current term due to a change in residency. City Manager Lance Willard reminded all interested parties Monday that the application deadline is the end of business Thursday, Jan. 16. Qualified candidates must be registered voters who have resided within the Columbiana city limits for the past year.

Sirloin tip and noodle dinner

East Palestine Eagles monthly sirloin tip and noodle drive thru dinner will be held Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. or sold out. Dinner is sirloin tip and noodles with coleslaw, roll and dessert for $11. Call 330-853-8483 to guarantee a meal.

United Local Schools blood drive

United Local Schools will be holding a blood drive from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday in the Brautingham Center (BC). To make an appointment, call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or go to redcrossblood.org and enter Sponsor Keyword: UNITED.

CAUV program workshop Feb. 5

The Mahoning Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD), in collaboration with the Mahoning County Farm Bureau and the Mahoning County Auditor’s Office, will offer a workshop on Ohio’s Current Agricultural Use Value (CAUV) program. The event will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Canfield Library, 43 W. Main St.

The workshop is designed to provide valuable insights into the CAUV program, which helps reduce property taxes on agricultural land. Expert representatives from the Mahoning County SWCD, Mahoning County Auditor’s Office, and Ohio Farm Bureau will share important information on CAUV eligibility requirements, the application and renewal process, inspection procedures, and recent updates to CAUV laws. Attendees will also learn practical strategies to maximize the benefits of the program for their properties.

This event is free and open to the public. While registration is recommended, it is not required to attend. For additional information, visit mahoningsoilandwater.org, call the district office at 330-740-7995, or email askswcd@mahoningcountyoh.gov.

‘Grab & Go’ soup fundraiser

Community Day Camp of North Lima will be holding a “Grab & Go” soup fundraiser on Jan. 25 from 10 a.m. to noon or until sold out at Calvary United Methodist Church, 12062 South Ave. in North Lima. Choices of soup are: Baked Potato, Vegetable Beef, Broccoli Cheese, Stuffed Pepper, Pasta Fagioli, Wedding, Mulligatawny and Chili. The cost is $8 per quart. All proceeds benefit the community day camp program.

Historical Society meeting

The quarterly meeting of the Historical Society of Columbiana and Fairfield Township has been canceled. The meeting will not be rescheduled in January.

‘Show CASA Love’ fundraiser

Celebrate Valentine’s Day by sharing love and hope with children in the Ohio Valley through the “Show CASA Love” fundraiser, happening from Feb. 7-14. Organized by A Child’s Place CASA of Brooke, Hancock & Jefferson Counties, this event allows individuals to double their impact, thanks to local sponsors who will match every donation made during this week. CASA, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting abused and neglected children, is currently served nearly 280 children across the three counties. With under $5, individuals can provide a full day of care to a child in need.

Every day at 4:30 p.m. there will be a special streaming event to dive into the progress of the campaign and share heartfelt stories of how A Child’s Place CASA is making a difference in the lives of children across the Ohio Valley. Visit www.go.rallyup.com/showCASALove2025 to witness the impact of one’s contributions firsthand. Additionally, don’t miss out on tuning into our YouTube channel @achildsplacecasa3640 for live updates, inspiring testimonials, and a closer look at the work that one’s support makes possible.

Donations may also be made online at www.childsplacecasa.com/donate, offering a quick and secure way to contribute to the mission. Alternatively, donations may be dropped off at the CASA office, 613 Main St. in Follansbee, on a date that works best. For more details on how to donate, call 304-737-4444.

P.E.R.I. meeting Feb. 4

The Public Employee Retirees (P.E.R.I.) of Mahoning County Chapter 18, will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 4, at Avion on the Water Banquet Center, 2177 W. Western Reserve Road. Lunch will be served at noon at a cost of $19 per person. Reservations are required and must be made by Tuesday, Jan. 28 by calling Carol, 330-758-5239; Diane, 330-547-9612; or Janice, 330-270-8611. Anyone with dietary restrictions should advise the person taking their reservation. Guest Speaker will be PERI’s District 11 Representative, Regina Witsaman, who will provide the latest updates and swear in the new officers. PERI welcomes all OPERS retirees and current working employees in the Tri-County area to join Chapter 18. Information for membership can be obtained by calling Marilyn at 330-565-6913.

Birthday Breakfast Jan. 18

Angels for Animals will host a Birthday Breakfast with Diane Less from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jan. 18 at Andrews Hall, 4750 W. South Range Road, Canfield. Breakfast include pancakes and syrup, scrambled eggs, cheesy potatoes, bacon, pastries and drink for $10, free for children 5 years and under. The even will also feature a basket and gift card raffle; winners to be contacted by phone. Purchase tickets at https://angelsforanimals1.wufoo.com/forms/2025-birthday-breakfas of call the Angels for Animals’ office at 330-549-1111 Option 5.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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