Community Calendar
Rodman Chess Club, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Rodman Public Library Main Auditorium; celebration of one-year anniversary featuring giveaways of club-related items
40 & 8 La Femmes 273 Daytime Bingo, canceled due to weather
Columbiana Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 6 p.m., Mowen Room
Columbiana County commissioner meeting, 9 a.m., with sales tax public hearing, 9:05 a.m., downtown courthouse, Lisbon.
Columbiana County Board of Developmental Disabilities, 4 p.m., administration offices
Columbiana County Health District Board meeting, 4:30 p.m., health department building, state Route 45, Lisbon.
East Palestine
The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
East Palestine Library, Baby Time, 10 a.m.
Eagles monthly drive thru with beef tips and noodles, $11, 4-6 p.m.; 330-886-0397
Leetonia High School Classes of 1955-57, noon, Adele’s
Lisbon Cemetery Board, 9 a.m., in the chapel
DAHS Classes of 1957 and 1958, Pondi’s, 1 p.m.
Lisbon Lions Club, 6:30 p.m.
New Springfield
Springfield Township Board of Trustees budget meeting, noon, administration building
Deming Retirees breakfast, 8 a.m., Adele’s
American Red Cross blood drive, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Salem Regional Medical Center, 1995 E. State St.
Salem High School Class of 1965, lunch, noon, Salem Golf Club.
Salem Board of Health meeting, 2 p.m., Salem City Health District.
Salem Community Prayer meeting, 4 p.m., Salem Memorial Building
SHS Class of 1967, dinner, 6 p.m., Ricky’s English Pub
Buckeye Water District Finance Committee, 10 a.m., BWD office
Wellsville Alumni Activities Spaghetti Dinner, 4-6:30 p.m., alumni center; eat in or carry out; $12 adults, $6 children; phone orders at 330-532-9811; walk-in orders welcome
Day of De-Stress, 4 p.m., Rodman Public Library; for patrons ages 10-18
West Branch Athletic Boosters bingo, at the booster hall, 26701 U.S. Route 62. Doors open at 4 p.m., early tickets called at 6 p.m., and Jumpin’ Jack (52 numbers for $1,500) called at 6:45 p.m., followed by regular bingo. Kitchen open, instant tickets and computers available. Info at 330-509-1209.
Rotary Club of Calcutta, breakfast, 7:30 a.m., meeting at 8 a.m., St. Clair Township Peter Metrovich Center. Those interested in becoming members encouraged to attend.
Railroaders breakfast meeting, 11 a.m., The Family Kitchen and SmokeHouse restaurant; information, Rocco at 330-853-3045
Tops 1329, United Methodist Church, weigh in 9 a.m., meeting 9:30 a.m.
East Liverpool
Buckeye Online School for Success’ J. William Montgomery Annual/Regular Board Meeting, 11:30 a.m., 119 E. Fifth St.
Board of Public Utilities, 2 p.m., city hall
East Liverpool Board of Education reorganizational meeting, 4 p.m., regular meeting, 4:30 p.m., Westgate Administrative Center, 810 West Eighth St.
East Palestine
The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
East Palestine Library, English Festival Book Club, 9:30 a.m.; Afternoon Book Club, 1:30 p.m.; Onyx Storm Release Party, 6 p.m.
Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., chili and cornbread; $8; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397
Goshen Township
Drive-thru chicken and biscuit dinner, 4-6 p.m., Bunker Hill Methodist Church, 15096 Middletown Road, Goshen. Adults, $12; $6 children. Menu: chicken with biscuit, gravy, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, applesauce or coleslaw and a choice of cake. For directions visit:
Blood drive, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., United Local Schools Brautingham Center (BC); to make an appointment, call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or go to and enter Sponsor Keyword: UNITED.
United High School Class of 1967, 2 p.m., Marks Landing Restaurant, Guilford Lake. RSVP Joyce Grindle at 330-692-1858 for reservations.
Morgan’s Raid History Program by Tim Brookes, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Lepper Library
Salem Utilities Commission meeting, 4 p.m., City Council Chambers.
Salem Hunting Club, 6 p.m., Concealed Carry Shoot. This event will focus on promoting the safe and proficient use of handguns for self-defense purposes as well as promoting a safe environment for enjoying shooting sports. Open to the public.
Salem Community Pantry, 794 E. Third St., food distribution, 3-5:30 p.m.; for residents of the 44460 zip code; must have photo ID and proof of residency
There will be no Supper on the Hill at Bethel Presbyterian Church on Jan. 16
VFW Post 5532, special meeting, 5 p.m.
Washington Township
Board of Trustees, 11 a.m., township garage
Buckeye Water District Board of Trustees, 9 a.m., Wellsville Village Council Chambers
Good As New Shoppe, Methodist Church, 210 S. Main St., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; 30 percent off undergarments, shoes, purses, jewelry.
American Red Cross blood drive, noon-5 p.m., Columbiana Allen Masonic Lodge #276, 722 Meadow Lane
Columbiana County Microfilm Board, annual meeting, 10 a.m., auditor’s conference room, downtown courthouse, Lisbon.
East Liverpool
VFW Post 66 Bingo, 6:30 to 9 p.m.; 25 cents a card, five cards for a $1, 50 cents coverall; pizza and fresh popcorn available
East Palestine
The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., beer batter cod fish specials on a dish $9, sandwich with side $10, dinner with two sides $12; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397
East Palestine Moose Fish Fry, 4-7 p.m., carry out only, 330-426-3510
Leetonia High School Class of 1962 breakfast, 9 a.m., 2 Broke Girls Cafe
Smith Grange Swiss Steak Dinner, 11090 Beloit Snodes Road, pick up 4-5:30 p.m.; $14; 330-257-2980 or 330-614-3846
DARE Singles Group, Winter Picnic, Beard Cabin in Boardman Park, 6 p.m.; information at 330-729-0127
Birthday Breakfast with Diane Less, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Angels for Animals Andrews Hall, 4750 W. South Range Road; breakfast includes pancakes and syrup, scrambled eggs, cheesy potatoes, bacon, pastries and drink for $10, free for children 5 years and under
Good As New Shoppe, Methodist Church, 210 S. Main St., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; 30 percent off undergarments, shoes, purses, jewelry.
East Liverpool
Food pantry, 7:30-9:30 a.m., Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, 767 Park Ave.; photo ID required
Men’s breakfast, 9 a.m., Boyce Church on Anna Avenue; guest speaker is the Rev. Larry Rose; all men welcome
Tri-State Coon Hunters Club Turkey Shoot, 10 a.m., 2601 Irish Ridge Road; information call or text 330-386-8832
East Palestine
Free community lunch, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Our Lady of Lourdes
East Palestine Library, Wild Kratts Saturday, 1 p.m.
St Patrick Community Food Pantry, 167 West Main St., monthly drive-thru food distribution for Leetonia School District families; 9:30-11 a.m. Have photo ID and vehcile trunk clear to receive groceries.
Salem Hunting Club, 6 p.m., .22 Rifle Matches, open to the public.
Wellsville Stitchers, 1-3 p.m., Wellsville Library activity room
DARE (Divorce/Death Aren’t Really the End), breakfast, 10 a.m., Charly’s Family Restaurant; information at 330-729-0127
East Palestine
Eagles breakfast, 8 a.m.-noon; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397
Lisbon Lions Club Bingo, 6 p.m. doors open 4 p.m.
Salem VFW Post 892 Auxiliary breakfast, 8-11 a.m., post home at 496 Arch St. Haystacks and traditional breakfasts will be available for $7 each. Dine-in or carry out. Proceeds this month benefit Salem High School cheerleading.
Methodist Church soup sale, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., $5 per quart, various flavors
VFW breakfast, 8-11 a.m. Open to public. Carryout: 330-427-2533
Maker Monday, 6 p.m., Rodman Public Library Main Auditorium; featuring mystery item ahead of Valentine’s Day; registration required at 330-821-2665, ext. 210 or the online calendar at
DARE Singles Group, Meet at DQ on Market St. for dessert, 7 p.m.; information at 330-729-0127
Quarterly Meeting Historical Society of Columbiana and Fairfield Township, 7 p.m., First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall. Speaker Jay Groner presenting “History of Columbiana Safety Forces.”
East Palestine
The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., ham and scalloped potatoes with vegetable; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397
Middleton Township Board of Trustees and Records Retention Commission, 7 p.m., township garage
Salem Community Pantry, 794 E. Third St., food distribution, 9 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; for residents of the 44460 zip code; must have photo ID and proof of residency
Rodman Public Library Lego Lab, 6 p.m.; theme of “unbirthday” party in honor of the birthday of Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland; for ages 6-12; register at
West Branch Board of Education meeting, 5:30 p.m., West Branch High School library.
That Quilt Group I Belong To (TQGIBT), 7 p.m., Rotary Building at Fair Park on Oak Street; doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Area 17 Workforce Development Board (WDB), 8 a.m., downstairs banquet room at the Best Western Plus Dutch Haus Inn & Suites
Columbiana City Council meeting, 7 p.m. Zoom link to register in-person and Zoom follows: Those resgistering will receive an email containing the meeting link. Click on the link prior to the meeting assure personal device is set up for such meetings. Log onto the meeting at 6:55 p.m. to be placed in a waiting room until the start of meeting.
Columbiana County ESC, regular meeting, 5 p.m., 38720 Saltwell Road, Lisbon.
East Liverpool
First Church of the Nazarene Clothes Closet, 670 Walnut St., 10 a.m.-noon
Needles and Hooks (crochet and knitting group), noon-2 p.m., Carnegie Public Library Community Room
East Palestine
The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., chicken parm and pasta with side salad and roll; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397
Unity Township trustees, 7 p.m., township building
Hanover Township
Hanover Township, regular meeting 8 p.m.
United High School class of 1961, noon, Adele’s
United HS Classes of 1963-1964, lunch, Zep’s Pizza, New Garden, noon
Knox Township
Board of Trustees, 7 p.m., administration building
Moving and Grooving Storytime, 10 a.m., Lepper Library; geared toward babies and toddlers. Come sing some songs, listen to a story, and play.
Preschool Story Hour Storytime, 11 a.m., Lepper Library; sing songs, listen to stories, and make crafts.
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
Bingo, Negley Volunteer Fire Dept.; doors open at 5:30 p.m., early birds at 7 p.m., regular bingo at 7:30 p.m., crazy bingo; refreshments available
New Middletown
American Red Cross blood drive, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Windsor Estates Assisted Living, 5240 Windsor Way
Bank One Retirees and Friends luncheon, noon, The OG Ltd, 146 S. Broadway Ave.; RSVP by Jan. 19 at 330-427-0304
Rotary Club of Salem, noon, Salem Community Center
Salem City Council meeting, 7 p.m., City Council Chambers.
Families Anonymous, 7 p.m., First Methodist Church cafe
Kiwanis Student ff the Month, 7 a.m., Kiwanis Park/Russell Reight bldg.
American Red Cross blood drive, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., South Range Elementary School, 11300 Columbiana-Canfield Road
40 & 8 La Femmes 273 Daytime Bingo, doors open 11 a.m., bingo starts at 1 p.m., 44640 state Route 14 (across from United Rentals). Lunch 11 a.m. to 12:30 pm. Public welcome. Weekly menu on Facebook at 40 & 8 La Femmes 273.
East Palestine
The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Lisbon Lions Club, 6:30 p.m.
Salem Community Prayer Meeting, 4 p.m., Salem Memorial Building
Salem Parks Commission meeting, 5 p.m., Salem Parks Office.
Wellsville Sons of Italy, 6:30 p.m., at the club
DARE Singles Group, Small Talk Night, 7-9 p.m., Boardman United Methodist Church, 6809 Market St.; information at 330-729-0127
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Thrift Shop, 1-5 p.m.; liquidation sale; by donation
American Red Cross blood drive, 1-6 p.m., Das Dutch Village Inn, 150 state Route 14
Tops 1329, United Methodist Church, weigh in 9 a.m., meeting 9:30 a.m.
East Palestine
The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., meatloaf with mashed potatoes and vegetable; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397
American Red Cross blood drive, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Leetonia High School, 450 Walnut St.
Salem High School Class of 1962, 12:30 p.m., Adele’s
Salem Community Pantry, 794 E. Third St., food distribution, 3-5:30 p.m.; for residents of the 44460 zip code; must have photo ID and proof of residency
Salem Hunting Club, 6 p.m., Pistol League, open to the public.
Good As New Shoppe, Methodist Church, 210 S. Main St., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; 30 percent off jeans and slacks.
East Liverpool
VFW Post 66 Bingo, 6:30 to 9 p.m.; 25 cents a card, five cards for a $1, 50 cents coverall; pizza and fresh popcorn available for purchase
East Palestine
The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
East Palestine Moose Fish Fry, 4-7 p.m., carry out only, 330-426-3510
Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., beer batter cod fish specials on a dish $9, sandwich with side $10, dinner with two sides $12, shrimp lover special with side $10; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397
Leetonia HS Class of 1965, Mike’s Penn Grill in Salem at noon. Spouses welcome.
DARE Singles Group, Bowling at Boardman Lanes, 7 p.m.; information at 330-729-0127
Good As New Shoppe, Methodist Church, 210 S. Main St., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; 30 percent off jeans and slacks.
Roxy Theatre Vincent Price movie marathon; $5 per movie, $10 for all three; “The Last Man on Earth” at 5 p.m., “The Bat” at 7 p.m., “House on Haunted Hill” at 9 p.m.; DORA in effect; information at 330-868-7979 or
New Springfield
Food giveaway, 8:30-10 a.m., New Springfield United Methodist Church, 2427 Columbiana Road
North Lima
Community Day Camp of North Lima “Grab & Go” soup fundraiser, 10 a.m.-noon (or sold out), Calvary United Methodist Church, 12062 South Ave. Choices of soup are: Baked Potato, Vegetable Beef, Broccoli Cheese, Stuffed Pepper, Pasta Fagioli, Wedding, Mulligatawny and Chili. The cost is $8 per quart. All proceeds benefit the community day camp program.
Salem Hunting Club, 6 p.m., .22 Rifle Matches, open to the public.
Wellsville Stitchers, 1-3 p.m., Wellsville Library activity room; all skill levels welcome
DARE (Divorce/Death Aren’t Really the End), breakfast, 10 a.m., Charly’s Family Restaurant; information at 330-729-0127
East Palestine
Eagles breakfast, 8 a.m.-noon; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397
Lisbon Lions Club Bingo, 6 p.m. doors open 4 p.m.
Jan 27
DARE Singles Group, Pool Night at Camelot Lanes, 7 p.m.; information at 330-729-0127
jan 27
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
jan 27
East Palestine
Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., beef stew and biscuits; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397
jan 27
East Palestine
Special council meeting to discuss pending litigation, 6 p.m. Regular council meeting, 7 p.m.
Perry Township
Perry Township Board of Trustees meeting, 4 p.m., Perry Township Administration Building.
jan 28
Audubon Society/Mahoning Valley, Austintown Senior Center, social time starts at 6:30 p.m., program starts at 7 p.m.; program will be “Skulls Tell All” presented by Stephanie Hughes, a retired teacher and Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist
jan 28
East Palestine
EPCIC meeting, 10 a.m., 85 N. Market St.
jan 28
East Palestine
Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., hot turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and vegetable; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397
jan 28
North Lima
American Red Cross blood drive, noon-5 p.m., Mount Olivet United Church of Christ, 410 W. South Range Road
Jan 28
Salem Hunting Club, 6 p.m., Muzzleloader Shoot, open to the public.
jan 28
Village of Summitville Council meeting, 6 p.m. fire hall
jan 29
Berlin Center
American Red Cross blood drive, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Western Reserve High School, 13850 Akron-Canfield Road
Jan 30
DARE Singles Group, Birthday Night, 7-9 p.m., Boardman United Methodist Church, 6809 Market St.; information at 330-729-0127
jan 30
East Palestine
Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., stuffed pork chop with baked potato and vegetable; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397
jan 30
American Red Cross blood drive, 9:15 a.m.-2:15 p.m., Lisbon High School, 260 W. Pine St.
jan 30
Free Winter Wellness program, 5:30 p.m., Minerva Public Library; register at or 330-868-4101
jan 30
New Middletown
American Red Cross blood drive, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Springfield High School, 11335 Youngstown Pittsburgh Road
Jan 30
Salem Hunting Club, 6 p.m., Concealed Carry Shoot. Drills with low light scenarios. Open to the public.
Jan 31
DARE Singles Group, Card Night at Perkins in Boardman, 5 p.m.; information at 330-729-0127
Jan 31
Good As New Shoppe, Methodist Church, 210 S. Main St., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; 30 percent off entire store.
jan 31
East Palestine
Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., beer batter cod fish specials on a dish $9, sandwich with side $10, dinner with two sides $12; dine in or carry out; 330-886-0397
jan 31
Italian American Club, fish fry, 5-8 p.m.; dine in or carry out; 330-427-9900
Feb 1
Good As New Shoppe, Methodist Church, 210 S. Main St., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; 30 percent off entire store.
feb 1
East Liverpool
Tri-State Coon Hunters Club Turkey Shoot, 10 a.m., 2601 Irish Ridge Road; information call or text 330-386-8832
feb 4
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
Feb 8
All-you-can-eat Pancake Breakfast, Allen Lodge, 722 Meadow Lane, 7 -11 a.m., $8. Menu: Pancakes, hash browns, sausage, butter toast, eggs, coffee and juice.
feb 10
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
Feb 10
School board, 6 p.m., McKinley High School Auditorium
feb 15
East Liverpool
Tri-State Coon Hunters Club Turkey Shoot, 10 a.m., 2601 Irish Ridge Road; information call or text 330-386-8832
feb 18
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
feb 19
South Range school board, 6 p.m., K-12 building
feb 24
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
mar 4
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
March 8
All-you-can-eat Pancake Breakfast, Allen Lodge, 722 Meadow Lane, 7 -11 a.m., $8. Menu: Pancakes, hash browns, sausage, butter toast, eggs, coffee and juice.
mar 10
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
March 17
School board, 6 p.m., McKinley High School Auditorium
mar 18
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
March 19
South Range school board, 6 p.m., K-12 building
mar 24
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
april 1
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
april 7
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
April 12
All-you-can-eat Pancake Breakfast, Allen Lodge, 722 Meadow Lane, 7 -11 a.m., $8. Menu: Pancakes, hash browns, sausage, butter toast, eggs, coffee and juice.
April 14
School board, 6 p.m., McKinley High School Auditorium
april 15
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
April 16
South Range school board, 6 p.m., K-12 building
april 21
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
april 29
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
may 5
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
may 13
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
may 19
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
May 19
School board, 6 p.m., McKinley High School Auditorium
May 21
South Range school board, 6 p.m., K-12 building
may 27
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
june 2
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
june 10
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
june 16
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
June 16
School board, 6 p.m., McKinley High School Auditorium
June 18
South Range school board, 6 p.m., K-12 building
june 24
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
june 30
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
july 8
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
july 14
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
July 16
South Range school board, 6 p.m., K-12 building
July 21, 2025
School board, 6 p.m., McKinley High School Auditorium
july 22
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
july 28
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
aug 5
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
aug 11
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
Aug 18
School board, 6 p.m., McKinley High School Auditorium
aug 19
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
August 20
South Range school board, 6 p.m., K-12 building
aug 25
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
sept 2
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
sept 8
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
Sept 15
School board, 6 p.m., McKinley High School Auditorium
sept 16
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
September 17
South Range school board, 6 p.m., K-12 building
sept 22
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
sept 30
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
oct 6
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
oct 14
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
October 15
South Range school board, 6 p.m., K-12 building
oct 20
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
Oct 20
School board, 6 p.m., McKinley High School Auditorium
oct 28
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
nov 3
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
nov 11
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
nov 17
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
Nov 17
School board, 6 p.m., McKinley High School Auditorium
November 19
South Range school board, 6 p.m., K-12 building
nov 25
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
dec 1
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
dec 9
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
dec 15
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
Dec 15
School board, 6 p.m., McKinley High School Auditorium
December 17
South Range school board, 6 p.m., K-12 building
dec 23
Liverpool Township
Board of Trustees, 3 p.m., administration building
dec 29
St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building
Jan 5
School board, 6 p.m., McKinley High School Auditorium; regular and organizational meeting