BWD customers to see new charge on monthly bill
WELLSVILLE — Effective Feb. 1, Buckeye Water District customers will see a $10 infrastructure charge per month on all water bills.
The charge, which was announced at Thursday’s Buckeye Water District’s Board of Trustees meeting, “aligns with Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) rules and regulations to ensure the continued production and delivery of safe drinking water to our customers,” Board President David Dawson said.
A media release provided by the district said the primary aim of the charge is to generate revenue for the enhancement, maintenance and replacement of water system infrastructure and the funds will be strictly allocated to essential components involved in pumping, diverting, transporting, treating and recording and monitoring.
The media release also said that the infrastructure charge is not just a local initiative, but a measure to adhere to the mandates of the OEPA Asset Management Rules and Regulations.
Implementing the charge will allow the district to enhance service reliability, improve water quality and support long-term sustainability.
“The introduction of the $10 infrastructure charge is a necessary step to meet regulatory requirements and to ensure that Buckeye Water District will continue to provide safe, reliable, and high-quality drinking water,” according to the media release. “The district is committed to transparency and efficiency in utilizing these funds to benefit the entire community.”
The board, as it does every other year, held an election for officers during Thursday’s meeting.
Dawson was re-elected as board president; Richard Williams was elected as vice president.
Dawson was the only nominee for president. Williams and George Kosko were both nominated for vice president, with Williams being elected by a five to four vote.
Robert Wines, as the only nominee, was elected as secretary/treasurer.
There were no committee reports.
Board members voted unanimously to approve the district’s 2025 budget.
District Manager Al DeAngelis told the board in his report that the district has been informed by AT&T that the district will have to relocate AT&T communication lines at the site of the new administration and service building and a $500 deposit is required by AT&T begin engineering the relocation.
Dallis Dawson and Associates submitted the PER to USDA for state Route 39, 10th Street extension project. The USDA notified DeAngelis that bonding was good and once planning was done, they should be able to go out to bid.
The district received an extension on the Water and Wastewater Infrastructure grant. The grant is being used for the state Route 45 waterline extension. The extension expires June. 30.
The Buckeye Water District Board of Directors meets the third Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. in council chambers at Wellsville Village Hall, 1200 Main St. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Feb. 20.
RCAP is conducting the environmental survey for the state Route 39/10th Street extension project. A separate environmental survey will be needed for the Wellsville Marina dredging project. There is a meeting scheduled with RCAP for the asset Management plan on Jan. 23.
DeAngelis also noted that he will be having a conference call on Jan. 21 regarding grant money to run a waterline to the Beaver Creek State Park campgrounds.
Board members approved the district manager’s report, the operations report and the finance report as presented to them.