
Winona Ruritan Club holds Nov. meeting

WINONA – The Winona Ruritan Club met Nov. 12 at the Winona Friends Church.

Secretary Elmer Lee Stamp called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and welcomed members and guests to the Veterans Appreciation Dinner meeting. Homer Althouse gave the Invocation. The caterer served a meal of fresh tossed salad with choice of dressing, meal loaf, scalloped potatoes, green beans, dinner rolls, beverage and chocolate sheet cake.

Stamp called the roll of members, with 22 answering in the affirmative, and each member introduced their guests, a total of seven. Six members were absent.

Stamp read the minutes of the November Board of Director’s meeting. They were approved as read. Treasurer Bob Doyle Sr. gave his October financial report, with no additions or question, and it was approved as given.

President Rob Doyle Jr. reported that the club’s “unfinished business” amounts to continuing to sell the “whole hog sausage.” The club has some of each: patties, bulk and smoke link, vacuum packed and frozen in the freezers and it is $5 per pound. Contact Stamp, Althouse or Dean Sidwell for orders.

As the club does every month, members sand Happy Birthday to members and any guests born during the month, with only one being born in November: Rob Donaldson.

Doyle Jr. reported the fall gun raffle, for the “Henry All Weather 45/70,” was won and claimed by Jeff Zimmerman. The spring 2025 gun raffle will be for a “Henry Big Boy Lever Action in the new .36 caliber Buckhammer.” Only 100 tickets will be sold.

Doyle Jr. reported that the December meeting will be held at the Winona Friends Church on Dec. 10. Members are encouraged to bring their spouse or significant other as a guest. Hor’dourvs start at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m. Ohio District Gov.-elect Charlie Pierce and his wife, Jamie, will be guests and Pierce will install the club’s officers and directors for 2025.

Entertainment for the evening will be the Beaver Local High School show choir directed by Allison Hamilton.

The club is working on getting an impersonator for the February Father & Son dinner meeting. Entertainment for the club’s April Father & Daughter dinner is also being considered.

There was some discussion regarding having “whole hog sausage” left over after the club’s breakfast and a need to reduce the number of hogs purchased in the spring.

Doyle Jr. then asked club members and guests who are veterans to give some short stories of their past active duty. There was a total of 10 veterans that spoke of their varied experiences.

Everyone rose and pledged allegiance to the American flag.

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