East Liverpool receives grant for visitor center
EAST LIVERPOOL — Mayor Bobby Smith told the East Liverpool City Council during Monday’s meeting that the city has received a grant in the amount of $25,000 for a visitor center at the state line near the Point of Beginning. He noted that they had requested $50,000 but got $25,000 which would allow them to start some of the leg work for that area. Details would be provided as they become available. Smith also said that he and Safety Service Director Bill Jones attended the Lake to River meeting held recently in Lisbon and that they were received very well. The executive director of the committee will be coming to East Liverpool for a tour of the city.
Fire Chief Antony Cumo told council that the roof project at the fire department had started last week and should be wrapped up this week. He noted that the department was grateful to get that fixed before the weather gets bad.
Cumo also provided the council with a report on the two arson fires the department responded to on Sunday as well as the internet issued experienced at City Hall during the fires. He said state fire marshal was investigating the fires.
Safety Service Director Bill Jones said the city may need to look into expanding their bandwidth for the internet which would mean upgrading to a higher package.
He also told council the hot patching program for the city’s streets was coming to an end for the season, but the street department is still working on spot cold patching.
Jones said he was working on designs and getting quotes for the new salt barn the city was recently awarded grant funding and that they are considering putting it at the city’s car barn on Pennsylvania Avenue. He also noted that due to the fire department outgrowing their current location they were looking into putting a steel building at the car barn for the fire department to store the hazmat equipment so they can have more room at the station. The city could get assistance with half the cost of the building which is estimated at $107,000
Jones commended police, fire and dispatch and all those who assisted the city’s first responders with Sunday’s fires.
Council members voted in favor on four of five pieces of legislation presented and placed one on first reading.
Ordinances passed with an all in favor include authorizing the city to into an agreement with Farmers National Bank to be the city’s depositor, amending the budget ordinance by adjusting appropriations; authorizing the auditor to pay certain vendors and correcting the base pay for a lieutenant for Firefighters Local #24.
The legislation placed on first reading was a lease agreement between Scout Solar, the HHH Foundation, the landlord and the city.
It was placed on first reading after council failed to suspend the rules to pass it due to council member Tom Beagle abstaining from the vote as he has business with Scout Solar and council member Brian Kerr being opposed to the agreement and wanting more time for it to be reviewed. The property considered for lease is near the high school and community center.
Kerr originally requested the legislation be tabled for more time for consideration since the project will be in a residential neighborhood, at the main intersection going to the school and comes with a 25-year lease. He received no second on his motion to table which allowed council to proceed with a vote.
Following much discussion, council voted to place it on first reading
Council members adjourned into an executive session requested by Council President John Torma to discuss legal matters regarding the lawsuit filed against the city by former police officer Chris Green. The council resumed the open meeting with no action taken. The regular meeting was then adjourned.
The Licensing/Economic Development Committee will meet on Nov. 20 at 6 p.m., and the Finance Committee will meet on Nov. 26 at 3 p.m. Both meetings will take place in council chambers.
East Liverpool City Council meets the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m., in council chambers at East Liverpool City Hall. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Dec. 2.