Community Corner
CWC Holiday Home Tour
COLUMBIANA – Save the date for Columbiana Women’s Club (CWC) Holiday Home Tour 2024, taking place from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7 and Sunday, Dec. 8.
The theme for the 2024 event is Symbols of Christmas, and guests can enjoy a self-guided tour of five area homes decked in holiday decor, plus coffee/tea and cookies at the Columbiana Women’s Club on either day.
In addition to the CWC’s clubhouse, four additional homes in Columbiana and Leetonia will be decked out for the season.
Tickets can be purchased for $20 per person at the following city locations: Willows by Wehr, 702 E. Park Ave.; Sitler The Printer, 707 E. Park Ave.; and the Columbiana’s Women Club, 121 N. Main St., during the event. Club members pay $10 when they purchase tickets at the clubhouse only.
Proceeds benefit the CWC, a civic organization operating a century house at 121 N. Main St. in historic Columbiana.
For information about the Columbiana Women’s Club and the Holiday Home Tour 2024, call 330-482-2832; Facebook @ColumbianaCWC
Choose To Lose Group
Choose To Lose Group met at Boyce Church on November 19 with leader Penny Perorazio presiding. The meeting opened up with the pledge of allegiance followed by the CTLG roll call.
Pam Fouse gave the secretary report and Cassie Stephens gave the treasure report. Both were approved as read.
Tammy Heddelston was the Pearl’s biggest loser. Dottie Seevers was the Diamonds biggest loser. Diamonds in leeway are Seevers, Jean Ferrebee, and Dottie Seevers.
The no no no’s are No Eating After 7 p.m.
Perorazio won the calorie charts, Seevers won the dimes and Wanda Price, weight recorder, won the Share The Blessing.
Winners of the No Fibbing Contest are Jean Ferrebee, Perorazio, Price, Tammy Heddelston, Pat Heacock, Cassie Stephens and Fouse. New numbers were drawn for the following week #8.
Tammy Heddelston and Jean Ferrebee, they got to put A Pig In The Pen.
Perorazio read an article on Health Anti-aging, Benefits of Berries, and Don’t Fret About The Future.
Perorazio closed the meeting with prayer requests followed by the Lord’s Prayer. New and former members are always welcome on Tuesdays. For more information call 330-383-8217.
Tops 1957
Tops 1957 from Wellsville met on Nov. 12 at the Living Well Church with leader Mary Jarvis opening the meeting with pledges, roll call and then Mary Schmidt leading the group in prayer.
Tops best loser was Betty Pease and Gladys Buzzard wore the officers ribbon.
The dimes will be carried over and Linda Seevers won the 50/50 drawing.
A correction to the tree contest that members must lose a half pound, not a quarter of a pound. Members will get an extra package for their tree if they keep a chart next week.
The Nono for the week is crackers.
Seevers also won the calorie chart drawing.
The Christmas party will be on Dec. 2.
Barb Tranter read a funny and then Jarvis closed the meeting wishing all a good week.
Tops 1341
TOPS 1341 met Monday, Nov. 18, at the Glenmoor Presbyterian Church with Leader Darlene Naukam presiding. The Roll Call followed weigh-ins and pledges.
The Best Loser was Becky Andrews and the Runner Up was Dena White. They chose cake and no more than two slices of bread per day as this weeks No-No’s.
Drawing Winners: Brenda Miller – Calorie Chart. Kandice Kraft – Weight Loss. Dena White – Junk Food. Becky Andrews – 50/50. Andrews also was 3 times in the Best Loser’s Book, and held the Travel Box for week 1.
Marlene Reynolds Lost 3 Weeks in a Row. Cheryl Myers was in the Attendance Book for 8 weeks.
Chris Plunket had the program discussing how many calories are in the average Thanksgiving Dinner; then members played four games of Bingo. Dena White has the Program next week. The meeting ended with The Lord’s Prayer. For meeting information, call 330-386-0151.