

Morning Journal/Tom Giambroni

Anyone driving along Lions Club Road in Lisbon or riding that section of the Little Beaver Greenway Trail cannot help but have noticed the colorful murals painted on the concrete abutment and piers helping hold up the U.S. Route 30/Canton Hill bridge. The murals were painted about a month ago by Lifting Youth Following Truth (LYFT), a local non-denominational Christian youth group that frequently takes on a volunteer projects around the Lisbon area whenever it sees a need. This time, LYFT coordinator Phil Bartholomew noticed the abutment and piers, a frequent target of vandals, had been spray painted over again, so they decided to give them a facelift. The murals include images of angel’s wings, flowers, tunnels and other designs. LFYT followed this up by doing some landscaping in the town square with $30 worth of mulch purchased by the members.


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